eDNA Services For Aquatic Environments
Cawthron is a leader in the application of eDNA technologies for environmental monitoring.
We use eDNA for a variety of purposes, including the detection of native or unwanted species in rivers, lakes, estuaries, and oceans, as well as monitoring ecosystem health and biodiversity.

eDNA Services
Lake Health
We can help you design and implement robust eDNA-based lake monitoring to inform decision making.
Lake healtheDNA Services
Species Detection
Highly sensitive and precise detection of native and non-native species and diseases.
Species detectioneDNA Services
Biodiversity Assessments
Whole community analysis of plants, animals and bacteria.
Biodiversity assessmentseDNA Services
Microbial Source Tracking
Microbial source tracking can help you determine the source of faecal pollution.
Microbial source trackingeDNA Services
Finfish Aquaculture
Use the Cawthron b-MBI tool to measure the enrichment status of aquaculture sites. We can also assist with measuring biodiversity.
Finfish aquaculture