Using eDNA for Biosecurity
eDNA tools can be used to detect unwanted marine and freshwater species. Cawthron’s biosecurity team provides consulting services for all marine and freshwater biosecurity threats.

eDNA Assays for Biosecurity
Invasive are species are those which are not native to a particular environment and are spreading rapidly due to human activities like shipping and aquaculture.
The spread of these non-native species can have negative effects on local biodiversity, ecosystems, and human wellbeing.
To address this global threat, countries and international organisations have started implementing biosecurity management programmes aimed at early detection, effective surveillance, and mitigation of the spread of these species. Cawthron is a world leader in this area.
Marine/Biosecurity Assays:
Common Name | Scientific Name | Description |
Asian Gold Clam | Corbicula sp. | An invasive freshwater species |
Brown Bryozoan | Bugula neritina | An invasive marine species |
Clubbed Tunicate | Styela clava | An invasive marine species |
Hairy Handed Crab | Eriocheir sinensis | An invasive marine species |
Invasive ascidian | Didemnum vexillum | An invasive marine species |
Japanese kelp | Undaria pinatifida | An invasive marine species |
Japanese Paddle Crab | Charybdis japonica | An invasive marine species |
Mediterranean Fanworm | Sabella spallanzanii | An invasive marine species |
Northern Pacific Seastar | Asterias amurensis | An invasive marine species |
Overbite Clam | Potamocorbula amurensis | An invasive marine species |